
Desislava Jordanova Jekova
Web Site:
Дата на раждане: 28 April 1982
Dobrich , Bulgaria
This is an attraction in Bulgarian restaurants, the only one by it's origing, existing from long , long time and born in village Bulgari (Strandja mountain) in the years under Ottoman rule. The legend says:
Down the ages of their domination the Turkish set on fire a lot of villages , abduct away children and men , killed off the elderly . Village Bulgari was one of them. One fatal day the Turkish attacked and set on fire the village.An elderly woman -widow ,saw not only the houses fider , saw not only chapel. With her last efforts she came in , barefooted and bedraggled , and she took the only one survival icon" Saint Constantine and Elena" and passed over the burning coals . From that time on , exists thefire -dancing-dance on live coals. This ritual is taking place usual on the 21(St) of May - the day of "Saint Constantine and Elena" which are accepted as protectors of the fire-dancers ,as theyprotect them from
burnings and give them power to dance.People thing that in this way they give chase to the evil ghosts, and receive happiness , health ,luck and fruitfulness the all year thoughout .The fire-dancers are carrying ill and crippled children turough the live coals because the legend says these children become healthy.Nowadays, the Fire Dancing is a star number in many Bulgarian folk-style restaurants . Also some foreign Impresario's Houses are interested in this ritual and they were successful on putting it up like an attraction in restaurants abroad.

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